Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week 9, Day 2

I made a mistake. I ate yummy black bean and cheese nachos right before I went walking. Dumb, right? So I didn't walk all that much. After 2 miles I felt pretty awful. Pablo walked the whole 2 miles with me, so that was good, but I was not. Have to do better tomorrow.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week 9, Day 1

My 3 Day training plan that they send me shows Mondays as a rest day. I couldn't do that. I was fairly sore this morning, and rather stiff. I walked just over 2 miles at the track by work today. I felt much better after! 2 miles is so much less than my usual these days that I think I can just about count this as a rest day anyway!

I forgot to mention yesterday, but I bought a pedometer yesterday. I love it. Makes my life, well, maybe not easier exactly... But it makes me happy to know things.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week 10, Day 7

12.2 miles! I walked in the neighborhood today and got in 12.2 miles! I'm quite proud. My feet are killing me and my legs are pretty sore, but I still feel good. I've figured out that with stopping for the bathroom and to refill my water I go about 3 miles per hour. And I have to have a bathroom break about every hour or so. My Camelbak lasts me about 2-2 1/2 hours.

I'm wondering though, how much is too much water? Maybe I need to not over do it? I'm not sure. Have to check on that.

And, I have blisters on the soles of my feet. Nothing horrible, mostly just weird. Never had blisters there!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Week 10, Day 6

11 miles baby! I rock! I walked at Town Lake today, in my new shoes, for 11 miles and I have no blisters. My feet hurt like hell when I tried to walk barefoot on a hard floor, but no blisters! And it was great. I could have kept waking, but it was getting dark. I'm going to go again tomorrow and see how I do on a back to back that's long like that.

So, the details, I had my Camelbak. It holds 70oz. I drank all of it, and then about 1/2 of another. I also had a 20oz Gatorade and a 12 oz Vitamin Water. I ate some kind of protein bar thingy too. I had to stop to use the bathroom about 4 or 5 times, which sucked. At least I know I wasn't dehydrated! I think it took me 4 hours, including the potty stops, stopping to back track and help some people find the right trail, and a break to rest and eat my bar. I think the last one was about 20 or 30 minutes.

Quite proud of myself, I tell you!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 10, Day 5

Hannah and I walked today, her in the jogger, in the neighborhood. I think it was about 2 - 2 1/2 miles. I wore my ankle weights, pushed the stroller, and wore the Camelbak. Good stuff. I guess I drank about 1/2 the Camlebak, which would be 35oz, and a 20oz Gatorade when I got home.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Week 10, Day 4

Hannah was with her dad today so I had a chance to take Pablo walking with me. He made it about 2 miles and I had to bring the poor pup home. I'm guessing I did about 4-5 miles. I wore my 1lb ankle weights that I got yesterday. It was the longest I'd worn the new shoes and they were great. Love them! I drank 30oz or so from the Camelbak and had half of a Gatorade when I was done.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Week 10, Day 3

I walked today on the road behind my house with Hannah in the jogging stroller. I picked up about 30 beer cans while I walked, plus 1 Big Red can, 1 Diet Pepsi can, and one Monster can. I also noticed that the people who throw out cans on the road behind my house have a preference for cheap beers like Busch, Natural Light, and Icehouse. There was also one I didn't know called a Hurricane. Interesting stuff.

I drank about 20oz of Gatorade while I walked. Hannah had a little Gatorade mixed with water. I got new shoes, New Balance, on Monday and wore them today for the first time. They were great. Really, really great. No blisters! It felt good to finally be walking again.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Week 14, Day 2

OK, I didn't walk today. But I really can explain. I had a wreck on my way home from work. I'm fine, but there was no way I could do anything more strenuous than eat and take a bath after I got home.

I did find out that I am getting two pretty significant donations from my parent's church missions board! They are donating a given amount in September and again in October! Yay for Church in the Cove Missions!

Also, since I wasn't walking I decided I needed to do something 3 day related tonight. So I went thru a ton of old baby clothes and sorted them into different piles by price to sell in my garage sale. I also found out that my neighborhood is having a community garage sale day on August 16, so I'll be garage saleing it then. I'm actually looking forward to it!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Week 14, Day 1

I know, it's getting old. But I was busy today in other ways!

Seriously though, I'll get back in gear tomorrow, I hope.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Week 15, Day 7

I drove like 200+ miles today. Does that count for anything?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Week 15, Day 6

Um, yeah, no, I didn't. Again. Vacation! It's vacation!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Week 15, Day 5

I'm on vacation. Give me a break!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week 15, Day 4

Again, nada. Total bum, that's me.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 15, Day 3

Lazy, as predicted.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Week 15, Day 2

This morning Hannah and I got in something like 1 1/2 - 2 miles at a track near Nicole's house. My feet were seriously blistered. I think I will have to get new shoes. And it was wicked humid. Not nice.

This afternoon Hannah and I got in another 4 miles in Beaumont with Taryn. I wore my flip flops. Not the greatest, but it worked. I think I drank a liter of water, sweated 2 liters, and my feet were quite sore in the end. Still, glad I got some miles in because the rest of the week is looking lazy.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 15, Day 1

Nothing. Nothing for today. I'm on vacation. I'm a bum.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 16, Day 7

Taryn and I took the girls with us to Terrell Park today and walked something like 6 miles. It was hot, hot, hot. I drank a liter of water, then we went and got Powerade, walked some more, then I drank another liter for the last little bit and on the drive home. I had to change into my flip flop for the last 1/2 mile because I was getting blisters on both heels. I am so tired after not sleeping a whole lot last night, not walking in a few days then walking 6 miles, and from the HEAT. I forget how different Beaumont heat is from Austin heat, with all the humidity.  But I feel good. 

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Week 16, Day 6

No walking today, just driving. Lots of driving. Wait, I take that back. I walked maybe a mile. Hannah and I stopped at Katy Mills mall and walked around the place a few times to stretch. That counts for something, right?

Friday, July 25, 2008

week 16, Day 5

I had good intentions today, but I worked late and then had a hellacious evening. No walking today.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Week 16, Day 4

It poured today. Really poured. So I took the day off, more or less. I actually did a fair amount of walking today, but not "training walking", just walking from here to there. I'm hoping to do better tomorrow, and hoping that I can keep up the momentum while I'm on vacation this coming week.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 16, Day 3

Man, what a walk I had today! Altogether I walked 5 1/2 miles, but in two sections. I started out at something like 4:30 from Brian's house. I was going to walk to Zilker Elem to meet Mom and Dad with Hannah. But they didn't make it. About the time I got to the park they called and said to meet them at the restaurant, the other direction. So I turned around and went back. At Brian's I hesitated. It was drizzling a little, but I would have to pay for parking if I drove down. I decided that I could make the 3/4 mile in time and ride back with Mom and Dad. Just incase I grabbed the umbrella. A few minutes later the bottom dropped out. Or maybe the side. The rain was coming hard and sideways, so much that I held the umbrella directly in front of me instead of over me. I was beyond drenched. (I ended up being "forced" to buy new clothes). It turns out I walked just over 4 miles, 1/2 of it in a hard downpour. Squish, squish.

Then, after Hannah went to bed, Mom and I noticed how wonderfully cool it felt outside and walked 1 1/2 mi in the neighborhood. So 5 1/2! Go me! I feel fabulous! (And no blisters!)

I didn't drink a lot of water while walking either time, but I did drink quite a bit after.

I have 9 coffee cans to decorate and distribute to collect money. I also put a box out in both buildings at the day care asking people to give me their cans. I got quite a few - probably 12 or 15, from the day care today. Then I picked up cans along the road as I walked on Robert E Lee and Bluebonnet. I ended up with a kitchen size garbage bag of uncrushed cans! Great start!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Week 16, Day 2

Mom and I walked the street behind my house today with Hannah in the jogging stroller. We got in 2 1/2 miles before Hannah had enough and we had to stop. I drank a Gatorade type drink while we walked and a big glass of water when we got back to the house. And guess what? No blisters!

I have my first few fundraising ideas. If anyone wants to help with any of these in any way just say the word.

* collect and recycle cans - I'm going to put a container at the day care, save my own and my parents cans, and a coworker asked her friend who work at a bar that serves some drinks in cans if she would save them as well. Got can? I'll take 'em!
* penny cans - I'm going to put cans at several places, mostly convenience stores, asking people for their pare change.
* garage sale - it's looking like August 9 will be my big day. All the proceeds will go directly to my $2200, so if you have anything you just want to get rid of and think I can sell I'll take it. Right now mostly what I have is old Hannah stuff, a few pieces of old furniture, and some random electronics. Gotta go thru my clothes and such as well. 

With my team
* Cafe Press store - we are going to come up with a team logo and sell tshirts sporting it.
* Benefit/Silent Auction - I don't know a whole lot about this besides that it's going to be at Okie Dokies in Beaumont and probably in late August or early September.
* Pink bracelets (a la Livestrong yellow ones) - we are going to order some and give them to anyone who make a donation of any amount.

Got fundraising ideas? let me know please!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Week 16, Day 1

I started off the new week with a day off. OK, that make it sound planned and deliberate. I am not quite that organized. Actually I ended up working later than planned, then didn't have time before or after Hannah's gymnastics class. Gotta make up for it tomorrow, I guess!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Week 17, Day 7

Yeah.... Well, not much to report. I walked about 2 miles with Hannah when we got home today. She was in the jogger and I was wearing the CamelBak. Things looked good starting out. Hannah fell asleep soon after we started, about 7, so I thought I'd just walk until I was too tired. However, I apparently ate something that doesn't like me. I had to stay close to home. And the beginnings of blisters that I got yesterday started turing into the real thing. So 2ish miles is it for today. 

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Week 17, Day 6

I walked with Mom today in her neighborhood. Lots more hills than I usually have. I tried out my new athletic wear. This morning I went to Target and bought a sports bra, an athletic tank (mine is yellow), and some pink shorts. Besides that I had my new (old) CamelBak that Brian gave me, and the new insoles I bought yesterday. It went really well. I stayed very cool in the tank and I really liked the feel of the CamelBak. It helped me keep good posture and felt nice against the small of my back. The sports bra was fabulous. My shoes rubbed a little differently with the new insoles so I'll have to put the moleskin on differently tomorrow, but I don't have any new blisters. And I have no idea how much water I drank since Mom and I shared, but a pretty decent amount. I think our total walk was 3 miles, a nice little stretch.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Week 17, Day 5

Whew! I think we made up for yesterday, at least somewhat. Hannah and I walked ~7 miles today at Town Lake! OK, I did the walking. Hannah rode in the jogging stroller and even napped part of the time. For the most part it was a great walk. We had one little problem with the sidewalk being closed when we crossed at the S 1st bridge and had to trek along Cesar Chavez for a few blocks. But that was our only issue. I drank a little over a liter in the hour and forty five minutes that we walked (Hannah drank one sippy cup) and finished the second liter within an hour of getting done. We had Clif bars on the drive home - Luna for me and Zbar for Hannah. I had a small blister come up on my right little toe, but nothing like the massive blisters last week. The new socks are the best! I also got the new tube for the CamelBak that Brian gave me today from REI, and some insoles for my shoes there as well. And more blister treatments and moleskin. I'm thinking maybe I should have bought that REI membership. I'm using Brian's and I think he's going to owe me!

We had one notable occurrence on our walk. As we got to the end of the trial, after crossing the foot bridge and before we got to Barton Springs (the area I think of as the Smoker's Hangout) we passed an incredibly drunk, shirtless man with a boom box. Yes, boom box - a la 1980's. My guess would be that he was homeless, but I'm not sure of that. As I passed him he stumbled (did I mention drunk?) and I almost hit him with the stroller. I apologized and smiled and went on. While we were walking away he yelled out to me, "God bless you lady, and if anyone bothers you, you let me know. I'll fix 'em!" I had to translate this from the slurred version, but I'm pretty sure that's what he said. It was awfully sweet in a weird sort of way. I hope he does ok.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Week 17, Day 4

I was a total bum today. I did nothing. At all. I'll call today my off day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Week 17, Day 3

So it was my "off" night, but I walked about 1 1/2 miles anyway with Mom. Just to the mailbox and back, then up and down my street a few times. However, the exciting part is my new socks. I love them! Didn't end up with Sock Guy socks. I went with plain white ones that were 3 for $15, but they are the same deal (polyester, lycra, and spandex) and they don't rub. Yay for no more blisters!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Week 17, Day 2

I biked around Arbor Trails today - 4 laps and ~5 miles in 30 minutes. Massively hot! It was about 5 when I went, and the high today was something like 104. Fabulous. It was just me, no Hannah and no trailer. And I had one awesome fall when a car appeared to be stopping to let me cross, then didn't. Ouch, skinned knee!

I still have a nasty blister on my right heel, so I'm not walking right now. Just biking and wearing Crocs to do that. I'm sure I look really cool.

Tomorrow will probably be my "off" day, but I'm going to try to go get some new socks. I think my cotton socks were a big part of the blisters so I'm going to try to get some more Sock Guy socks.

The begining

Here's how it all started. Several years ago, while I was in college, two people who were close to me and major influences in my life had breast cancer. First was my Aunt Patricia. She fought, she won, and she's doing great. The other was my friend Katherine, sister of my really close friend Taryn. She fought, fought hard, and I'd say she won too, but in a different way. She was strong and incredible to her last breath. She had just turned 30.

So a few weeks ago when Taryn suggested that I do the Susan G Koman 3day walk with her and some other ladies I knew I needed to do it. Add in the fact that I really have been wanting to excercise more, to be healthier, and that the weekend of the 3day is one that my daughter Hannah will be with her dad and it was a perfect plan.

So I have started. I'm walking about 4-5 miles several times a week right now, and biking at least that much on the other days. I have had one massive, killer blister so far, as well as two more minor ones. I have had shin splints once. I've had one sunburn worth noting and used one entire bottle of sun screen. I have injested countless bottles of water, and quite a few bottles of Gatorade and the like. I've lost count of the number of baths I've soaked in to ease my sore muscles. And more. Who knows how much more. 5 weeks in.

Wish me luck. And wish those who have dealt with breast cancer even more.