Saturday, September 6, 2008

Week 10, Day 6

11 miles baby! I rock! I walked at Town Lake today, in my new shoes, for 11 miles and I have no blisters. My feet hurt like hell when I tried to walk barefoot on a hard floor, but no blisters! And it was great. I could have kept waking, but it was getting dark. I'm going to go again tomorrow and see how I do on a back to back that's long like that.

So, the details, I had my Camelbak. It holds 70oz. I drank all of it, and then about 1/2 of another. I also had a 20oz Gatorade and a 12 oz Vitamin Water. I ate some kind of protein bar thingy too. I had to stop to use the bathroom about 4 or 5 times, which sucked. At least I know I wasn't dehydrated! I think it took me 4 hours, including the potty stops, stopping to back track and help some people find the right trail, and a break to rest and eat my bar. I think the last one was about 20 or 30 minutes.

Quite proud of myself, I tell you!

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