Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week 9, Day 2

I made a mistake. I ate yummy black bean and cheese nachos right before I went walking. Dumb, right? So I didn't walk all that much. After 2 miles I felt pretty awful. Pablo walked the whole 2 miles with me, so that was good, but I was not. Have to do better tomorrow.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week 9, Day 1

My 3 Day training plan that they send me shows Mondays as a rest day. I couldn't do that. I was fairly sore this morning, and rather stiff. I walked just over 2 miles at the track by work today. I felt much better after! 2 miles is so much less than my usual these days that I think I can just about count this as a rest day anyway!

I forgot to mention yesterday, but I bought a pedometer yesterday. I love it. Makes my life, well, maybe not easier exactly... But it makes me happy to know things.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week 10, Day 7

12.2 miles! I walked in the neighborhood today and got in 12.2 miles! I'm quite proud. My feet are killing me and my legs are pretty sore, but I still feel good. I've figured out that with stopping for the bathroom and to refill my water I go about 3 miles per hour. And I have to have a bathroom break about every hour or so. My Camelbak lasts me about 2-2 1/2 hours.

I'm wondering though, how much is too much water? Maybe I need to not over do it? I'm not sure. Have to check on that.

And, I have blisters on the soles of my feet. Nothing horrible, mostly just weird. Never had blisters there!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Week 10, Day 6

11 miles baby! I rock! I walked at Town Lake today, in my new shoes, for 11 miles and I have no blisters. My feet hurt like hell when I tried to walk barefoot on a hard floor, but no blisters! And it was great. I could have kept waking, but it was getting dark. I'm going to go again tomorrow and see how I do on a back to back that's long like that.

So, the details, I had my Camelbak. It holds 70oz. I drank all of it, and then about 1/2 of another. I also had a 20oz Gatorade and a 12 oz Vitamin Water. I ate some kind of protein bar thingy too. I had to stop to use the bathroom about 4 or 5 times, which sucked. At least I know I wasn't dehydrated! I think it took me 4 hours, including the potty stops, stopping to back track and help some people find the right trail, and a break to rest and eat my bar. I think the last one was about 20 or 30 minutes.

Quite proud of myself, I tell you!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 10, Day 5

Hannah and I walked today, her in the jogger, in the neighborhood. I think it was about 2 - 2 1/2 miles. I wore my ankle weights, pushed the stroller, and wore the Camelbak. Good stuff. I guess I drank about 1/2 the Camlebak, which would be 35oz, and a 20oz Gatorade when I got home.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Week 10, Day 4

Hannah was with her dad today so I had a chance to take Pablo walking with me. He made it about 2 miles and I had to bring the poor pup home. I'm guessing I did about 4-5 miles. I wore my 1lb ankle weights that I got yesterday. It was the longest I'd worn the new shoes and they were great. Love them! I drank 30oz or so from the Camelbak and had half of a Gatorade when I was done.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Week 10, Day 3

I walked today on the road behind my house with Hannah in the jogging stroller. I picked up about 30 beer cans while I walked, plus 1 Big Red can, 1 Diet Pepsi can, and one Monster can. I also noticed that the people who throw out cans on the road behind my house have a preference for cheap beers like Busch, Natural Light, and Icehouse. There was also one I didn't know called a Hurricane. Interesting stuff.

I drank about 20oz of Gatorade while I walked. Hannah had a little Gatorade mixed with water. I got new shoes, New Balance, on Monday and wore them today for the first time. They were great. Really, really great. No blisters! It felt good to finally be walking again.