Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The begining

Here's how it all started. Several years ago, while I was in college, two people who were close to me and major influences in my life had breast cancer. First was my Aunt Patricia. She fought, she won, and she's doing great. The other was my friend Katherine, sister of my really close friend Taryn. She fought, fought hard, and I'd say she won too, but in a different way. She was strong and incredible to her last breath. She had just turned 30.

So a few weeks ago when Taryn suggested that I do the Susan G Koman 3day walk with her and some other ladies I knew I needed to do it. Add in the fact that I really have been wanting to excercise more, to be healthier, and that the weekend of the 3day is one that my daughter Hannah will be with her dad and it was a perfect plan.

So I have started. I'm walking about 4-5 miles several times a week right now, and biking at least that much on the other days. I have had one massive, killer blister so far, as well as two more minor ones. I have had shin splints once. I've had one sunburn worth noting and used one entire bottle of sun screen. I have injested countless bottles of water, and quite a few bottles of Gatorade and the like. I've lost count of the number of baths I've soaked in to ease my sore muscles. And more. Who knows how much more. 5 weeks in.

Wish me luck. And wish those who have dealt with breast cancer even more.

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