Friday, July 18, 2008

Week 17, Day 5

Whew! I think we made up for yesterday, at least somewhat. Hannah and I walked ~7 miles today at Town Lake! OK, I did the walking. Hannah rode in the jogging stroller and even napped part of the time. For the most part it was a great walk. We had one little problem with the sidewalk being closed when we crossed at the S 1st bridge and had to trek along Cesar Chavez for a few blocks. But that was our only issue. I drank a little over a liter in the hour and forty five minutes that we walked (Hannah drank one sippy cup) and finished the second liter within an hour of getting done. We had Clif bars on the drive home - Luna for me and Zbar for Hannah. I had a small blister come up on my right little toe, but nothing like the massive blisters last week. The new socks are the best! I also got the new tube for the CamelBak that Brian gave me today from REI, and some insoles for my shoes there as well. And more blister treatments and moleskin. I'm thinking maybe I should have bought that REI membership. I'm using Brian's and I think he's going to owe me!

We had one notable occurrence on our walk. As we got to the end of the trial, after crossing the foot bridge and before we got to Barton Springs (the area I think of as the Smoker's Hangout) we passed an incredibly drunk, shirtless man with a boom box. Yes, boom box - a la 1980's. My guess would be that he was homeless, but I'm not sure of that. As I passed him he stumbled (did I mention drunk?) and I almost hit him with the stroller. I apologized and smiled and went on. While we were walking away he yelled out to me, "God bless you lady, and if anyone bothers you, you let me know. I'll fix 'em!" I had to translate this from the slurred version, but I'm pretty sure that's what he said. It was awfully sweet in a weird sort of way. I hope he does ok.

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